Zion College of Technology and Business ever since its establishment in 2005G.C, has been standing out as an institution of higher learning capable of demonstrating a relatively excellent performance in all the disciplines it has undertaken for training.                         View More

News And Events

College Graduation

Zion College of business and Technology in cooperation with the SNNRP bureau of Pastoralists affairs has graduated 96 students on March 29/07/04 E.C in a colorful special ceremony.

College Graduation

The regional Capacity Building bureau, with the objective of alleviation the acute shortage of trained manpower which prevails in areas where both pastoralists and semi- pastoralists dwell, has recruited about 100 aspiring candidates for the training program all of whom were selected from south Omo, Beranch Maji, and Kaffa Zones.

Zion College of Technology and Business  having won the auction among other colleges which have come forward as prospective contenders has been ultimately successful to start the training program after having signed the legal documents required. Zion’s preference over all other colleges to be given charge of this responsibility was mainly due to the prevalence of a highly qualified manpower, adequate material and teaching aids supply adequately stocked library and other services catering to the training program.

The college, in order to discharge the duties and responsibilities it has been entrusted both form the public and government, has done all it could by way of enabling all its trainees to measure up to the academic and ethical standards expected of them. These efforts of translating ideals in to reality of the college, has been supported by seeing to it that well experienced teachers are rigorously selected, required books and other teaching materials are already put in place, that mout-courts for practical works are arranged, and that question and answer contests are conducted among trainees to heighten up the level of the trainees’ interests.


With the understanding that the relationship among trainees should stay smooth and healthy, the offices of the deans of the college have been able to arrange both welcome and farewell parties for them as incoming and outgoing graduates. The college has also been encouraging the trainees to come forward with their own arrangements whenever commemorations are held ether both at the national and regional levels.

The college, in order to highlight the graduation ceremony, has also made all the required preparations one of which was a -photograph –supported- exhibition of students’ selected works unrivalled in the history of the college.

The college has, at the close of the graduation ceremony, offered, medallions, certificates, and other prizes to government organizations and individuals who have been offering close supervision and support to the success of the training program. It has also offered special prizes to graduated student who have shown outstanding academic performances during their stay at the college - with special emphasis being laid on outstanding female performance among the graduates.

The college would like to take this occasion to extend its heartfelt thanks to regions Bureau of Pastoralists Affairs, the region’s Civil Service Bureau, and to the administrative offices of Bench Maji, Omo and Kaffa Zones.

Head of the region’s Pastoralist Affairs Bureau Ato Dawit Kusiya praising the college for its cooperative work with the office has also pledged to work together with the college in the future.

Special guest on the occasion, Ato Debebe Abera who is also vice president of the region and head of the region’s Civil Service Bureau as well also expressed his heartfelt thanks to all the sacrifice Zion has paid to accomplish the training program. In this respect, the official had said that the regional government feels indebted to all the efforts the college has advanced in line with the five – year- growth- and transformation plan of the region in particular and the country in general. The official concluded his speech by praising and appreciation the work the college as accomplished in the field of manpower development, in particular together with the promise of working together with the college in the future while giving work instructions and advice to the outgoing graduates at the same time, as well up on the decisions of the College Management Body a luncheon  party inviting out going graduates invited guests and the college staffs as been held, as well, at Hotel Pina.


This release was published on 19 May 2012. For more information, please contact Ato Getachewu Tagesse, Phone No: +25146-2211310/11

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College Publications

Aside from the highly illustrated graduation magazine it issues every year, the college also has currently made a point of including two other publications in one academic year One handy informative college brochure for every academic calendar and a quarterly journal with all the latest developments in and around the college, together with the conduct of academic affairs, in particular.

About Us

Zion College of Technology and Business ever since its establishment in 2005G.C, has been standing out as an institution of higher learning capable of demonstrating a relatively excellent performance in all the disciplines it has undertaken for training.

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