One academic year at Zion consists of 10 months of school training and two months of a co-operating training. While in school training is conducted by breaking the ten months in to two terms of 18 weeks during each year.                                               View More

About Us

Zion College of technology and Business is a private institution established in February 2005 by Ethiopian professionals who have been working at various companies and other service rendering organizations, as well. Since its establishment, it has been standing out as an institution of higher learning capable of demonstrating a relatively excellent performance in all the disciplines it has undertaken for training. This entrusted responsibility of discharging its duties and responsibilities has again placed it in a position where it has become capable of being viewed as quite a model for all other institutions of its kind both at the regional and national levels. 

This fact has, indeed, become, all the more, important at a time like this when the educational policy of the country has laid more emphasis on all TVET around the nation Following this educational trend, our college has, as well, made all the necessary changes by way of updating, upgrading, adding and dropping courses to make them quite relevant to the growing manpower demands of the region in particular. The college is obliged to make those adjustments with the understanding that it is among one of the few private colleges in the region to whom TVET policies directly apply and concern. 

It is Located in one of the busiest up-town districts of Hawasa and functioning centrally from its own ground plus one building. The college is found on the – two – way W/Amanual Dubale asphalt road together with one of the other campuses.-Bella.
While training has been provided in the fields of Technology and Business, for the last several years now, in addition to the previous courses which are given in TVET(level 1-4), Zion Technology and Business College has started to give degree program in Accounting, Business management and Surveying courses in  both regular and extension programs.
Currently, there are twelve fields of study, all of which have been fully accredited with trainings offered by highly qualified and experienced instructors and equipped tools, materials and workshops. All trainings are organized in such a way as to make it possible for trainees to be beneficiaries of 30% of their training time in theoretical aspects and the other 70% of it in practical activities as set and defined by the MOE. 
By restructuring its training along this line, all stake holders of the college, firmly, believe that it can surely, make all trainings easily accessible to aspiring learners of the city and the region as well – consequently being capable of providing job opportunities to a large number of prospective employees. This contribution of the college, needless to say, is of paramount importance to the development of the country in general and to the ever growing demands of skilled man power to the region in particular.


In line with the new trend the MOE has set for TVET, it is believed that the establishment of the college would open up ways for new technical and vocational innovations and processes in its trainings. Following are the anticipated objectives believed to be achieved according to the strategic plan the college has envisaged.

  • Producing an efficiently and competently trained manpower in Business and Technology at all levels in number with demand- based proportional balance of fields and disciplines so that the country shall become national and internationally competitive. 
  • Offering intensive, short-term training in the fields mentioned above.
  • Conducting researches and offering consultancy services in both technology and business fields.



By modeling excellence in our entire program to become recognized as the outstanding college  to  enrich and serve its regional communities through providing quality education.


 The mission of Zion College of technology and business is to developed, enrich and serve its regional communities through providing quality education.


  • To produce efficient and competent professionals at all levels in all the training programs we have undertaken.
  •  To deliver short-term training programs capable of consolidating the formal trainings students have acquired.
  • To conduct a series of research and ultimately disclose their findings.
  • To offer consultancy services to needy organizations.
  • Offering short term trainings in different areas to create more awareness about the profession. 
  •    To fill up the skill gap that may be created.
  • To consolidate the skill gap of learners by offering them on the job training.


As a vocational and technical institute of higher learning, Zion College has also got its own beliefs about what is right and wrong and what is important in life and in the process of conducting its day to day activities, as well. With this view in mind, the college has laid down the following set of values as solid foundations if success is anticipated and desired.

  • Maintaining the highest level of ethics faith, and transparency in its interaction with each other and one another including its students and clients.
  • Deliberately learning from experience in order to improve and update its future practices. That is to say, that the college firmly believes in learning from its own