Zion College of Technology and Business ever since its establishment in 2005G.C, has been standing out as an institution of higher learning capable of demonstrating a relatively excellent performance in all the disciplines it has undertaken for training.                         View More

News And Events

Nations and Nationalities Day Celebration at Zion

The REB-TVET training Bureau on the base of the panel desiccation program which was conducted on 20/03/04 at the conference hall in the Hawassa Poly Technique College has instructed all government and privet colleges of the region to make due preparations for the celebration day. What made this year’s celebration to be special was the fact that as of this year colorful occasion should be the celebrated on an institutionalized level in line with the discussion agenda forwarded by the local federation parliament and MoE
It was then on the basis of the guiding out lines that Zion College established a committee comprising five people for the conduct of the celebration.

The committee- with the objective of executing the decision arrived at previously, has managed to obtain the consent of the general manager of the college for a 10; 000 (ten thousand) birr together with the order to implement it as soon as possible.

Having received the order the committee has implemented the following actions in the order they are mentioned below:-
1. Preparing letters of invitations for people from the mass media and other inviting guests form both government and privet organizations.
2. Preparing 6 banners to decorate the interior and exterior faces of the College expensing 3000 birr.
3. Entertaining invited guests with coffee and tea ceremony to which 7000 birr has been expended and the main participants of which include teachers, students, administrative workers and other invited guests.
4. conducting a panel program of discussion highlighted by a speech made by Ato Shanka Biramo-College deans focusing on the equality of Nations and Nationalities together with the strides made and benefit achieved
a. The delivery of a speech by Ato Temesgen REB-TVET representative on the benefits obtained from the new constitution and the responsibility of the young generation to up holed and preserve it.
b. The delivery of a speech by Ato Kassahun Kelbore- College Civic and Ethical Education Instructor focusing on the historical background of the constitution together with all the achievements made as a result of its introduction
c. Question and answer session in which students from all the departments of the college have actively participated followed by a cultural display of the costumes of different Nationalities of the region and accompanied by local songs and dances to highlight the event.
d. The conducting of a-Candle-light-bread-cutting ceremony in which were involved the college Administrative deans for lighting the candles and Ato Temesgen for cutting the Bread to highlight the occasion which was celebrated for the 6th time.
5. Conducting a program of planting seedlings-a culture which the college has been practicing for the lat six years now.
The program was finally concluded by planting palm-seedlings the task of which was accomplished by having guests and administrative deans respectively.

This release was published on 11 Apr 2012. For more information, please contact Getachewu Tagesse, Phone, +25146-2211310/11

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College Publications

Aside from the highly illustrated graduation magazine it issues every year, the college also has currently made a point of including two other publications in one academic year One handy informative college brochure for every academic calendar and a quarterly journal with all the latest developments in and around the college, together with the conduct of academic affairs, in particular.

About Us

Zion College of Technology and Business ever since its establishment in 2005G.C, has been standing out as an institution of higher learning capable of demonstrating a relatively excellent performance in all the disciplines it has undertaken for training.

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