In line with the newly announced MOE, TVET policy which lays special emphasis on technology, the college has both revised and updated its training programs by both dropping phased out courses and adding up relevant ones, as well.                                       View More


While candidates aspiring to be admitted to level three are required to have sat for the EGSLCE and scored a minimum G.P.A of 2.0 and above, candidates for levels four and five are required to have sat for the EGSLCE and scored a minimum G.P.A of 2 and above.


Zion believes that the ultimate goal of the college will only be achieved if and only if it produces competent professionals in all the training it provides.

It is then with this understanding that the college has lain due emphasis on the exit profile of trainees and works harder to measure up to its expectations 

Thus, the maximum exit profile of a trainee that is considered as being satisfactory at the termination of his training is the capability of scoring 50 marks in each one of the core course and an average of 50 marks again in the other supportive and common courses, as well.  

To maintain the colleges pride and respect, it is however advised that all trainees sit for skill test exam which, as a rule is prepared by every department to make sure that the trainee has acquired the required and necessary skills in his particular occupations. 

These kinds of exam target on assuring that the objectives of the exit profile are, somehow, met by the trainees the contents of which are determined by the instructors in the respective departments and finally approved by the dept head.

Testing and Evaluation

A trainee in each occupation is continuously evaluated at every stage of his programs in line with the TVET policy. In this regard, while successive and consecutive theoretical tests and quiz’s may be given to the trainees at the end of every task as the trainees (as the case may be) it should however be understood that the trainee is, finally, evaluated by practical work to ascertain that he/she has acquired the skill with the required minimum standards efficiency and performance. 

Final exams worth a total of 30% are given at the end of every course and the total marks achieved by such a process of continuous assessment in practical work does not as a rule exceed 70% . Last but not least is the expectation of the college from the trainees which is the delivery of project works as instructed and directed by the immediate instructor. This project work which is financed by the department is considered as the sole property of the college


A trainee who fails to finish and submit project works would be disqualified from taking the next related successive courses. The summation of marks achieved is the basis of the total marks achieved by training in-school training in apprenticeship and in project works. 

Certification for trainees would therefore be issued only for those who have achieved a cumulative grade that amounts to or is greater than 50%. 


A trainee who satisfactorily meets all the necessary and minimum requirements scoring the minimum passing grade which is 50% would quality for graduation at the end of a two-month apprenticeship period. The following procedures in the order mentioned below low are required to be strictly following by any aspiring graduate of the college 

v  The office of the registrar delivers to the college’s academic commission a list of trainees who have successfully completed their training program

v  The academic commission approves the graduation of the candidates listed 

v  The office of the registrar (at the same time) submits to the office of the academic dean- a list of those trainees who have managed to score 75% and above together with those candidates who stand within the 10% range

Academic Awards and Prizes

As a result of the college’s firm belief in the prevalence and importance of the spirit of academic competition, both among trainees and outgoing graduates, as well, it has brought about a prevailing academic culture of providing awards to graduates who academically stand out among and from all members of their class as being the most creative, competent and excellent. The most important awards conferred on such an occasion are faculty award, honor list award and project award. Following are the procedures followed to entitle an aspiring winner for an award.

v  The office of the registrar identifies a top ranking student from the graduating bach together with other students selected from the faculties as owners of researchable project works.

v  The academic commission would then, sit and approve the conferring of the awards after a careful examination of all aspirants on the basis of their scholastic achievements and personal characters during their stay with the college as trainees.

v  Winners selected on the criteria mentioned above would, finally collect their respective prizes either from the managing director of the college or from a guest present on the occasion on his behalf.


When a trainee either in the regular or extension program finds it difficult or impossible to pursue the training he (she) can apply a formal request for it following the following steps in the order they   are mentioned below.

v  Submit a withdrawal application to the registrars office from where the trainee collects a grade report of the courses taken up to the end of the previous term.

v  Submit back to the registrar’s office the same application signed and sealed when readmission is sought.

v  Make sure that a withdrawal application is submitted a month  ahead of the end of the class for the term if acceptance is desired.  

Add/Drop Courses

Adding Courses

  •  When a trainee wants to add one or more courses on the regular schedule, a formal application is submitted to the Faculty head to which the trainee belongs.
  •  The faculty head makes final decision in response to the trainees application and inconsideration with the maximum load a trainee can take.
  • A trainee who is allowed to add one or more courses shall settle any payment related to the added courses, and shall make sure that the necessary papers are placed in his/her file.

Exemption of Courses

Courses previously taken in other institutions are exempted at Zion if and only if:-

·         the courses are only taken in the TVET program,

·         a minimum of 50 marks is scored in the courses requested for exemption,

·         the courses are taken not before 6 years.

Not: - No exemption is made for courses taken at levels different from TVET.

Courses not satisfying the above criteria will be repeated at Zion.

Claims on Marks

·         A trainee, who feels that the mark he/she obtained in one or more courses is not right, shall apply to the faculty head, who will consider the case and responds in one week time.

·         Re-marking is made if and only if the department head reaches at reasonable agreement with the instructor who gave the course in question.

·         A trainee can apply to the academic commission for final decision if he is not convinced in the response given by the faculty head.

Re – Exams

A trainee, due to economical, social or personal problems may fail to sit for exams on time. In such occasions, the trainee can apply for re-exams and submits his/her application to his Faculty not later than two weeks after the exam is held. The trainee is expected to attach the necessary evidence with his application. The faculty responds in one week time after the application is submitted.

  • Exams are allowed only when the trainee fails to sit due to personal problems such as serious illness and death of family member.
  • Due payments are made for the courses if the re-exam is allowed, but if the re-exam is not allowed, the trainee will repeat the whole course.
  • Procedures
  • The trainee submits his/her application to his/her faculty not less than two weeks after the exam is held.
  • The faculty responds in one week time after the application is submitted.